A Research COMMunity for Academic Communications...Waiting for You Here

Down in the dumps? Just can’t find the spark you need in your academic communications? We’ve all been there.

We go to training. We’re inspired! We see the light, we’re going to change our ways, everything is amazing! But then we get back to real life, old habits take over, we lose our motivation and there’s no support anymore to help us change. But there’s an answer, so read on

I’ve seen this happen to my students. I show them new ways to communicate research. They get excited about using visual storytelling–I share loads of new tools with them, and teach them motivating techniques to fire up their research communication skills. They go away all revved up. But then they get stuck…

Real life hits, academic tropes of research communication hit, a lack of confidence hits, and that can leave them feeling isolated and demotivated. “Why try new ways of getting my research out there?” they think. “I’ll probably just make a fool of myself anyway. I’ll stick to the old ways, at least I know what that feels like.” Which is a crying shame, honestly. 

But it shouldn’t have to be like that, should it? So my teaching partner Duncan Yellowlees and I put our heads together and thought, HOW DO WE SOLVE A PROBLEM LIKE ...RESEARCHERS?! And the lightbulb moment hit. 

We realised that everyone needs their support system. We need our critical friends, our cheerleaders, our shoulders to cry on and our pep-talk-peeps. In short, we need our research community. That’s the part of the process that’s been missing. 

And so, COMMunity was born: a free peer-to-peer network for researchers to find the support they need to really raise the bar on their research communication skills.

What is COMMunity? It’s a free, private, online space for researchers–from PhD students right through to more seasoned academics–to equip them with the skills, tools and confidence to communicate their research more impactfully and creatively. Literally, a research community for academic communications.

It includes free resources, weekly networking calls, poster/presentation surgeries, expert comms advice, discounts to training sessions and lots of lovely, friendly advice and support from researchers just like you. All totally free.

To find out more, visit: http://www.comm-unity.uk/ Our launch event is on 14th October, 12:30-1:30pm online. Researchers can register for that here.

Can’t make it? No bother! Use our application form here (it’s fun, promise!) to gain early access and we will get back to you ASAP with a link and more info :).